Tejiendo Redes Infancia - Unión Europea


In 2016, the #TejiendoRedesInfancia project co-financed by the European Union, the Swedish Association for International Development (Sida) and Save The Children began, seeking to encourage the participation of networks of civil society organizations that work in favor of the rights of childhood, as well as girls, boys and adolescents.

These are some of the achievements of the project:
Advocacy at the national and intergovernmental level; before regional and international organizations.

• Strengthening of strategic ties with international organizations for the protection of human rights:
o United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.
o United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF-UN)
o Inter-American Human Rights System (SIDH)
o Rapporteurship on the Rights of the Child of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

• Strategic dialogue on the humanitarian crisis of migrant children between Mexico and the countries of Central America.
• Convener and participant in the Inter-American Forums on National Systems of Integral Protection (Mexico and Uruguay).
• Latin American Thought Seminars on the Rights of children and adolescents in Mexico and Colombia, with the participation of decision-makers.
• National coalitions have developed capacities to interact with the Inter-American Human Rights System (SIDH). These valuable experiences were compiled in the document “Use of the Inter-American Human Rights System by national coalitions and networks of girls, boys and adolescents” as a collective thinking tool at the regional level.

Capacity building of Civil Society Organizations

• Training and Investment Workshops in Buenos Aires, Argentina; La Paz, Bolivia and San Salvador, El Salvador and Mexico City, Mexico.
• 16 of the 18 countries currently participating in the project have presented their work plans to carry out citizen monitoring and surveillance actions.
• We have a detailed diagnosis of 26 national coalitions, to prepare national plans for institutional strengthening and develop “National Observatories for children and adolescents”.

Direct, active, and purposeful participation of girls, boys and adolescents

• Girls, boys and adolescents have carried out advocacy actions in international spaces such as the Second Inter-American Forum on National Systems for the Comprehensive Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents and at the Niño Sur Meeting, in Montevideo, Uruguay; among others.

• Currently, of the 26 national coalitions that have been part of the project:
o 18 have accountability mechanisms
o 14 have spaces for participation
o 9 inform children and adolescents.

• The following were carried out:
o 17 National Meetings in 17 countries.
o 3 subregional meetings (El Salvador, Brazil and Bolivia)
o 1 Regional Meeting (Mexico)
In total, 724 girls, boys and adolescents from the entire region participated.

Media and social networks: Promotion of collective actions that go beyond political positioning.

Denunciation and promotion of collective actions in the face of serious situations of violation of the rights of girls, boys and adolescents.

Information sheets have been prepared to work with the media in:
• Migration
• Criminal justice for adolescents
• Presidential election
• Investment in children
• Violence

Two workshops were given on how to promote children's rights in the media, aimed at members of civil society coalitions.
We maintain a strategic alliance with leading companies in Internet and social networks:
• Facebook
• Instagram
• Twitter
• Google.

Together with these companies, we have promoted massive campaigns such as Stop Sextortion; Twitter Guide for Teachers, Safe Childhood, Digital Citizenship, among others, linked to the right to a safe internet for girls, boys and adolescents, as well as the incorporation of mothers and fathers, teachers, legislators and companies in the promotion and guarantee of secure internet access.



We invite you to participate in the activities of this project!

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