- The activity is part of the #TejiendoRedesInfancia project and seeks to generate spaces for children's participation.
- This is the second of the sub-regional meetings after one more took place in Brazil last week.
More than 40 girls, boys and adolescents meet on November 22, 23 and 24 in the city of San Salvador, El Salvador to reflect and share about their practices of child participation and the different ways in which they can influence policies to change their reality in favor of the guarantee of their human rights. During the press conference, Elmer Mendoza, a teenager participating in the event, pointed out "We girls, boys and adolescents are not the future, we are the present and we want adults to know and listen to us." Likewise, Balmore Cordoba, Technical Coordinator of the Mesoamerican and Caribbean Subregion of the #TejiendoRedesInfancia project, highlighted “what we want is for children to have more voice, that they can be recognized as social actors”.
Representatives of the National Coalitions members of @REDLAMYC Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Defense of Children and Adolescents will participate in the "Meeting of children and adolescents of the Mesoamerican and Caribbean Subregion".
The event, coordinated locally with the RIA Network for Children and Adolescents, takes place within the framework of the #TejiendoRedesInfancia Project executed by REDLAMYC with funding from the European Union and Save the Children and aims to build a timeline that allows spaces to be made visible advocacy where girls, boys and adolescents participate, agree on the main issues that they consider a priority and generate an action plan.
The Network for Children and Adolescents - RIA is the Coalition that coordinates the Encounter, which on this occasion receives the participants in El Salvador. Also participating in the event are the Network for Children's Rights in Mexico REDIM, Institutional Coordinator for the Promotion of Children's Rights CIPRODENI - Guatemala; the Coordinator of Private Institutions for the Rights of the Child COIPRODEN - Honduras; the Nicaraguan Coordinating Federation of NGOs that works with Children and Adolescents CODENI; the Union of Private Institutions of Attention to Children UNIPRIN - Costa Rica; the National Network to Support Children and Adolescents in Panama REDNANIAP, the Council of Churches of Cuba (CIC) and the NGO Coalition for Children of the Dominican Republic.
Media contact:
Verónica Morales, Regional Communication Officer #TejiendoRedesInfancia +52 1 55 5620 9309